Dark Threads the Weaver Needs

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SKU: 9781629110127 Category: Type: Trade Paperback


Making Sense of Pain and Suffering

“When the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly, then the Weaver will explain why the dark threads were as needful as the threads of gold and silver. As the skies continue dark and overcast, and shades of night obscure the light, may grace be ours ever to remember that the God who cannot err is able to make us perfect through suffering.”
—Herbert Lockyer, Dark Threads the Weaver Needs

Suffering is an age-old question that has puzzled the people of God since time began. After all, if our God is both a loving and an all-powerful Being, why does He allow such pain and suffering in the world?

At the age of eighty-two, legendary Bible scholar Dr. Herbert Lockyer set out to answer this question. As he watched his wife of sixty-six years slowly fade from loving spouse to an incapacitated person who needed his constant care, he looked upon her afflicted, helpless form and asked, O my God, why?

In this outstanding work, Lockyer does not present ideas on how to cope with suffering but rather teaches how to pass through it, removing self-pity and using personal trials as a springboard to help others. In the midst of his darkest hour, Lockyer examines the problem of human suffering in light of God’s love and His eternal plan.

Dr. Herbert Lockyer (1886–1984) considered becoming an actor when he was first deciding on a career. Tall and well-spoken, he seemed a natural for the theater. But the Lord had something better in mind. Instead of the stage, God called Herbert to the pulpit, where, as a pastor, a Bible teacher, and the author of more than fifty books, he touched the hearts and lives of millions of people. Dr. Lockyer held pastorates in Scotland... Show More


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