What We Are in Christ

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This audiobook of Dr. E. W. Kenyon’s What We Are in Christ unveils a truth the church has been sadly lacking. What our Father has accomplished for us in Christ has profound implications for the way in which we live our Christian life. This message is, in many ways, the heart of the revelation that God gave to E. W. Kenyon. It may seem simple, but it can have life-changing power for a believer who takes the time to absorb the spiritual realities Dr. Kenyon presents. His teachings call us to examine the Scriptures anew and reject many of the popular but erroneous ideas that have held the sons and daughters of God in bondage. Jesus said we would know the truth and the truth would set us free. Take in Dr. Kenyon’s prophetic teachings and be set free.

About E. W. Kenyon

Dr. E. W. Kenyon (1867–1948) was born in Saratoga County, New York. At age nineteen, he preached his first sermon. He pastored several churches in New England and founded the Bethel Bible Institute in Spencer, Massachusetts. (The school later became the Providence Bible Institute when it was relocated to Providence, Rhode Island. ) Kenyon served as an evangelist for over twenty years. In 1931, he became a pioneer in Christian radio on the Pacific Coast... Show More


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