Caught Up Into Heaven

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Within Heaven’s Gates
During a nine-day visionary journey, Marietta Davis saw many breathtaking aspects of heaven and hell, including…
  • The place where death, sin, and pain do not exist
  • Infants who have perished being carried to heaven by guardian angels
  • The peace and harmony that exist among all the inhabitants of heaven
  • Ministering angels going on errands of mercy
  • The horrors of an eternity without God
Here is an eyewitness account of the glorious beauty, pleasures, and joys of heaven that await every Christian, as well as a look at the coming torment for unrepentant souls.
Marietta Davis (1823–1848) was only twenty-five years old when she fell into a deep sleep for nine days while her spirit visited the eternal world. Upon her return to consciousness, she put her spiritual vision into words—a vision of heaven and hell that we have today in the form of Caught Up into Heaven. She died seven months after her vision, just as she had predicted. Her departure was marked by her singing a hymn... Show More


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