God's Power for Protection

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SKU: 9781603749244 Category: Tag: Type: Trade Paperback


Melanie Hemry and Gina Lynnes share many true-life and personal experiences of people who were miraculously protected, such as when…

  • A kidnapped woman was locked in a trunk at gunpoint
  • The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11
  • A six-year-old was run over by car and later bitten by a venomous snake
  • A teenager’s car was totaled in a collision
  • A Christian orphanage was attacked by rebels 

Read how the power of God protected them—and many others—from life-threatening situations. You, too, can conquer fear and insecurity, as well as experience His divine protection for yourself and your loved ones.

A former intensive care nurse, Melanie Hemry traded in her stethoscope for a computer and now writes poignant true life stories, many of which are set in intensive care. A 1988 winner of the coveted Guideposts Writing Contest, Melanie’s stories have warmed the hearts of readers around the world. She holds a bachelor of science in nursing from the University of Central Oklahoma and a master’s degree in Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute in... Show More


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