Letters of Jeanne Guyon

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“This is no time to be disheartened. When the sinful lusts rebel, leave them to their disorderly cravings. Let them cry, as a child from whom we take away a dangerous yet pleasing toy. Strengthen yourself for crosses and humiliations. You will soon be made alive in Jesus Christ.”—Jeanne Guyon
“Madame” Jeanne Guyon found the way to God through prayer in the midst of a darkened civilization. Her books describing her methods of prayer were so radical in their day that Guyon was imprisoned for several years in the infamous Bastille. Today, her writings are considered classics of Christian literature.
This collection of Guyon’s thoughts and experiences was gleaned from the many letters she wrote during her lifetime, including her correspondence with her friend, advocate, and fellow theologian, François Fénelon.
Jeanne Guyon (1648–1717) was a Christian contemplative and writer. Being contemplative refers to what is sacredly obscure or secret, something that is remote from human comprehension. It reflects the search for a deeper spiritual life, for fellowship and oneness with the omniscient, omnipotent God who is also our Father. Guyon wrote from the depth of her own spiritual experiences. Growing up in France during the decadent times of Louis XIV, she was devout at an... Show More


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