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Asaph Borba was born in Coronel Fabriciano, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1958. Born into a Christian home, in his teenage years he became involved with drugs but had an experience with Christ in 1974, in the Wesley Methodist Church in Porto Alegre. Under the pastoral care of Erasmo Ungaretti and Moysés Cavalheiro Moraes and the close fellowship of American missionary Donald Stoll, Asaph became a well-known worship minister in Brazil and worldwide. Over the past three and a half decades he has composed many songs that have become part of the new Brazilian hymnology and brought great impact to his generation. Through discipleship and pastoral ministry, Asaph cares for the lives of musicians and pastors in cities around Brazil. A graduate in journalism, by the Methodist Brazilian University, he is the director of Life Communications, married to Lígia Rosana, and father of Aurora and André.
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