Dale Bronner
Dr. Dale C. Bronner is a wisdom authority, life-maximizer, legacy-builder, and inspirational speaker, equipping leaders with time-tested, relatable principles for personal and professional development. Dr. Bronner is a member of the board of directors of John Maxwell’s organization EQUIP Leadership, Inc. He also serves on the board of directors and is part owner of Bronner Brothers Manufacturing Company, Inc., a multimillion-dollar, family-owned corporation that has been in the hair care business for over sixty years. He and his wife, Nina, are the parents of four daughters and one son, and the grandparents of two granddaughters and three grandsons. They live in Atlanta, Georgia. www.DaleBronner.com/ Facebook.com/Bishop-Dale-C-Bronner/ Twitter @BishopBronner
Books by Dale Bronner