Jim Maxim
Over fifty years ago, Jim Maxim was at the lowest point of his life. As he lay at death’s door, Jim’s mother prayed for his soul. God answered her prayer, and Jim’s life was claimed, redeemed, and transformed for Jesus Christ. The dramatic story of Jim’s conversion is found in his book Face to Face with God.
After serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, Jim created multiple successful companies in the automotive industry. He serves God in prison ministries, as a church speaker, and as a board member of several ministries, including Hope Pregnancy Center, the Valley Forge Leadership Prayer Breakfast, and Strategic Renewal International (SRI).
In 2011, Jim and his wife, Cathy, founded Acts413 Ministries, where they evangelize, counsel, and minister in the name of Jesus all over the world. The highlight of Acts413 Ministries is to serve as a catalyst to mobilize the body of Christ to intercede for pastors, their families, and their churches. Jim prays and leads others in the power of intercessory prayer through God’s Word. The desire of Jim and Cathy’s hearts is to teach the vital key to growth as a child of the King—the glorious privilege of being in the presence of almighty God.
The Maxims have three sons, three daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren.
Books by Jim Maxim