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Joshua Fowler is the apostle and lead minister of Legacy Life Church in Orlando, Florida. As a fifth-generation minister, he has a rich heritage of ministry with a great-grandfather who preached seventy years and grandfather who started two missions on a Native American reservation. From birth, Joshua travelled throughout America with his parents in evangelistic ministry. Joshua celebrated his thirtieth ministry anniversary in January 2017. He is a sought-after national and international conference speaker and has ministered extensively in many nations around the world. Joshua is the author of five other books, including Prophetic Praise and Daily Decrees for Accessing Abundance. He is also a gifted musician, psalmist, and a recording artist. Joshua is the founder of and He has established churches and ministries throughout America and in other nations. Many people affectionately call Joshua “Papa” and look to him as their spiritual father in ministry. Numerous businessmen and women look to Joshua for wisdom and prophetic counsel. Joshua convenes regional, national, and global five-fold roundtables and gatherings throughout the year, which as many as 1,500 leaders from five continents, twenty-six nations, and twenty-five states have attended. Joshua ministers with apostolic authority and prophetic precision to equip believers to build a legacy that awakens nations and generations. He and his family live in Orlando, Florida.
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