The supernatural power to carry out a purpose, call, or assignment from God is known as “the anointing.” To “anoint” means to endow someone with divine ability to do what they could not do according to their own nature and gifts. To effectively fulfill the purpose God has given you, you must have the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Are you facing something impossible? Are you trying to fulfill your purpose in your own strength? If your answer to either of these questions is yes, it is time to begin seeking the anointing of the Holy Spirit so you can receive God’s supernatural strength and wisdom. We always need to keep in mind that nothing God sends us to do is possible on our own.
The Purpose of Your Anointing
The nature and measure of your anointing are given in accordance with your unique purpose. This divine ability is not given to you arbitrarily. It is not given to you with an option to use it or not. And it is not given to you merely for your own purposes. It is granted exclusively for the fulfillment of a specific purpose, call, or assignment. Whether that purpose is in the area of business, the arts, education, sports, technology, law, ministry, politics, government, science, medicine, or anything else, it can only be achieved in God. Therefore, no matter what sphere of influence or territory He has assigned to you, if you are working on the purpose He has given you, then you can be assured that God will provide you with His anointing.
Some people have divine ability, but they don’t know the reason for which God has anointed them. Because they don’t know how to connect their anointing with their purpose, they become extremely frustrated. Others don’t even recognize that a divine anointing awaits them. This is one of the reasons why many people feel empty and unhappy. They are ineffective or unproductive in their lives because they are operating outside of their calling and purpose.
Anointing is the divine ability that confirms our purpose and calling and empowers us to fulfill it.
God will always confirm our purpose, call, or assignment with a supernatural intervention, such as a prophetic word, a dream, a vision, a sign, or another divine communication. He will make this confirmation very clear to us, so that it is not something we can easily overlook or fail to recognize. It is a moment that marks us, changes us, and remains engraved in our memory and in our hearts. If you have not had such a moment in your life, you have not yet entered into your anointing to fulfill your purpose.
Is Something Hindering Your Anointing?
Although God will clarify His will for us, many people still ask, “How can I recognize that God’s anointing has come to me for a purpose?” To recognize that moment, it is important to know that the anointing comes to empower us to fulfill a specific assignment. Remember that the anointing does not come just to make us feel good or even so that we will feel the presence of God—although His presence accompanies the anointing.
Sometimes, the anointing does not appear to come because we lack expectation about what God wants to do through our lives; we can’t imagine receiving the type of assignment He wants to give us. Therefore, we need to be aware that God always wants to do a special work in us. All that He requires is that we be available. If you humbly seek the Lord and obey His Word, He will reveal your purpose and assignment, and your anointing will be activated.
Other times, people will try to serve God, and then they wonder why the anointing does not come. The anointing will not accompany us when we are attempting to do something that is not part of our assignment, because then we are not aligned with God’s purpose. Under such conditions, people often burn themselves out because they do not have the grace to carry out that assignment. The anointing comes to set you apart and empower you to serve the Lord according to the purpose for which He created you.
The anointing will come into your life when you find your purpose and will increase as you remain there.
Another way the divine empowerment can be blocked is when we are self-centered, not acknowledging that our purpose isn’t just about ourselves, but about serving others. Although God has a personal or specific plan for your life, He doesn’t work with you in an isolated way. He always views you as a member of His people, His family, not as an individual separate from others. If you are trying to fulfill a purpose that only benefits you, then the anointing of God will not follow.
We are consecrated and anointed for a specific purpose. However, the moment we leave that purpose, the anointing stops working because it is not given to us to do whatever we want with it. On the other hand, when we are operating in our purpose, the anointing produces fruit and multiplication; everything flows, and we feels “tailored” for exactly what we are doing.
So, when is the anointing given or activated? When we know our purpose. And what is it for? To fulfill the purpose for which God created us. Once we know our purpose and assignment, God expects us to respond to His call. There is an interval between being anointed and being sent out. During that time, God expects a yes from us to fulfill His purpose. Are you willing to say yes to God? The challenge is to surrender completely to Him so that He can fulfill His plans in your life, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit can empower you to achieve the impossible for the kingdom.
Surrender is the place where we are empowered with divine abilities.
Comments 1
AWESOME word!!! I have reached “the interval” and have read more about surrendering and complete obedience lately. God has used me greatly and I know the next/ultimate level is here. Surrender can sound overwhelming even if it is to God.