Prayer Wall

Submit a prayer request and pray for those who have requested prayer below!

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Edmund Krzeminski

[We read] In the King James Bible, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?

Please pray that United Kingdom, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).

* Poland, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,

* the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

* my family:

1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case.

2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15

3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel and Ann (also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband),

4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.

Received: October 7, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Please pray for a Christian husband and partner for me. Pray for estranged family members relationships to be renewed and draw our whole family together more than ever before. Pray that my great Niece's killer be judged and sentenced properly for taking her life. Please pray for my health. Pray for me finding the right church to attend where there are true Christians who are actively doing God's work. Please pray fo healing for my kitty's ears and allergies. Pray that God would send me where I need to be in order to do his will and for his Angel's to protect me, guide me and teach me what I am supposed to do that comes directly from God.Thanks for your prayers! May God richly bless you!

Received: September 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Edmund Krzeminski

[We read] In the King James Bible, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland and Great Britain. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?

Please pray that Great Britain, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).

* Poland, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,

* the Church in the USA & Canada & Great Britain – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

* my family:

1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case.

2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15

3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel and Ann (also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband),

4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.

Received: September 11, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Amber Wignall

I have Identical twin girls that will be three September 21, 2020. They were both diagnosed with a genetic disorder called NF1 (Neurofibromatosis type I). Claire got Diagnosed with a glioma tumor in her optic nerve on her right eye. She’s undergoing chemotherapy right now. I would absolutely love prayer for this genetic disorder to be completely gone in both girls!

Also, would love pray for my husband Paul for his salvation.

Thank you all so much! Be Blessed!

Received: September 8, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


We are being asked to Pastor a churxh. We are not totally sure if this is what God want for us. Please pray tjat Gods perfext done concerning this. We only want what God wants.

Received: September 4, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


My daughter just gave birth to a baby girl. I ask prayer for strength and rest for the whole family. I ask prayer that God will keep them strong and healthy from all sickness , disease and viruses. Pray that God will keep his angels camped closely around them and that they draw closer to the Lord and surrender totally to him. Thank you

Received: September 4, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Goodday prayer teams please do help in pray we need a suitable place for worship for our church fellowship we belong to. as the hall we using only opening in lockdown 1 will be grateful for every prayer

Received: August 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray for me and my family. My son. This would. I am at my wit's end. I pray and read God's word. It helps for the moment then I'm back in the same bleak place be blessed.

Received: August 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray for me and my family. My son. This would. I am at my wit's end. I pray and read God's word. It helps for the moment then I'm back in the same bleak place be blessed.

Received: August 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Breakthrough from the spirit of instagnation.

Financial breakthrough in my father's house.

Breakthrough from generational curse s

God may open closed doors by the enemy and close open doors by the enemy in Jesus Name I pray.

Received: August 17, 2020

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