21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds

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No matter who you are or where you live, you are in the middle of a war. Strongholds hinder you from becoming all that God desires for you and the person you truly long to be.

In this war, Satan has specific assignments against us that can become strongholds in our lives—issues involving anger, sex, alcohol, drugs, pornography, food, obsessive thoughts of fear or anxiety, depression, and hatred.

In 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds, author Jim Maxim takes you on a journey of intercessory warfare in which you will learn firsthand the truths that dominate the unseen reality of the supernatural world.

The Bible tells us that in this battle, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal [made of flesh and bones] but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

God’s truth and the power of intercessory prayer will enable you to wield the spiritual weapons that cast down the strongholds in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Knowing God—and knowing that He’s at work in you with His power and His plan—will enable you to have victory over demonic strongholds like negative emotions, addictions, compulsiveness, inferiority complex, and anything else that is out of control. All of these can be broken and defeated every time through the power of prayer, just as Jesus taught us.

At the end of each day’s reading, you are invited to join Jim for interactive, intercessory prayer to overcome the strongholds around you.

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21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds

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As a senior pastor for over two decades, Daniel Henderson brought prayer-based revitalization to numerous churches. Now, as the president of Strategic Renewal, he is dedicating his full-time efforts to help congregations across the country and world experience renewal. Daniel is sought after for his expertise in leading corporate prayer. He has authored numerous books on biblical leadership and prayer, including Old Paths, New Power and Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s... Show More

About Jim Maxim

Over fifty years ago, Jim Maxim was at the lowest point of his life. As he lay at death’s door, Jim’s mother prayed for his soul. God answered her prayer, and Jim’s life was claimed, redeemed, and transformed for Jesus Christ. The dramatic story of Jim’s conversion is found in his book Face to Face with God. After serving in the U. S. Marine Corps, Jim created multiple successful companies in the automotive industry. He... Show More


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