Holy Spirit Revivals

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The Power of God at Work

Charles Finney’s ministry led to some of the most amazing revivals that have ever occurred in the United States or England. In Holy Spirit Revivals, Finney recalls those events, revealing the secrets that led to the mass conversions of lost souls in his meetings throughout upstate New York, as well as in Boston, Philadelphia, and London.
Finney was unafraid of offending delicate ears by addressing the problem of sin head-on, and his dedication to prayer, his understanding of Scripture, and his radical reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit are a great template for believers today.
This treasured account of one of the greatest Christian preachers in history is an outstanding resource for anyone interested in seeing a revival of faith in the church.  

Charles Finney (1792–1875) was nearly thirty years of age when he turned from his skepticism regarding Christianity and wholeheartedly embraced the Bible as the true Word of God. He gave up his law profession in order to spread the gospel and soon became the most noteworthy revivalist of the nineteenth-century Second Great Awakening. In 1835, upon the request of Arthur Tappan, Finney established the theology department at Oberlin Collegiate Institute (today known as Oberlin College).... Show More


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