Raised From the Dead

The Miracle That Brings Promise to America

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In 2001, as Reinhard Bonnke debated whether or not to move his ministry to America, he did something he had never done before: he prayed for a sign to confirm that God truly was calling him to go to America. God was about to answer that prayer.
A few days later, a woman brought her husband to the Nigerian church where Bonnke was preaching, in hopes that his partially embalmed body would be raised from the dead after three days in a coffin. Although Bonnke was unaware of this and never even prayed for the man, the woman’s husband, lying in the church basement, began to breathe again during the sermon. In front of thousands of witnesses, this man, who still couldn’t move because of rigor mortis, was raised back to life. After his message, Bonnke was besieged by a crowd yelling, “He’s breathing! He’s breathing!”
This incredible miracle, now detailed for the first time, is part of a movement of God, birthed in a small African church and stretching around the world to America. It is the beginning of a work of God that will confirm His word to Bonnke: “America shall be saved.”
Reinhard Bonnke is principally known for his Great Gospel Crusades throughout the continent of Africa. The son of a German pastor, Reinhard gave his life to the Lord at age nine and heard the call to the African mission field before he was even a teenager. It was there, in the small mountain country of Lesotho, that God placed upon his heart a vision of “the continent of Africa being washed in the precious blood... Show More


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