The Happy Hunters

The Miraculous Life and Healing Ministry of Charles and Frances Hunter

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Known as the “Happy Hunters,” Charles and Frances Hunter were nationally recognized both for their powerful healing ministry and for their unbridled, contagious joy. What few people know, however, is that Frances spent years as a “wild sinner,” and Charles was a “dried-up spiritual prune” for most of his early life.

God miraculously used these two unlikely candidates to birth one of the most powerful healing ministries the world has ever known. Their story is one of triumph, power, and divine intervention.
As you read this book, you will…

  • Witness thousands healed of “incurable” diseases
  • Explore the purpose and use of spiritual gifts
  • Learn a powerful method of evangelism
  • Discover how to build your faith
  • Find out how to heal the sick

As you follow the Hunters’ incredible journeys, you will learn from their experiences and benefit from the spiritual wisdom gained from decades of ministry. See how many ordinary people are impacting the world as a direct result of yielding to God, and learn how you can impact your world, too!

Richard Young is a former educator, businessman, and pastor. The son of a Free Will Baptist pastor, Richard started preaching at fourteen and pastoring at twenty. He comes from a great heritage of preachers and pastors, as there has been a member of his family in the ministry consistently since 1876. Richard has been a writer all of his adult life, writing corporate training manuals and collegiate self-study courses, as well as two textbooks. He... Show More


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