The Ten Commandments

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The Ten Commandments are the only words that God wrote to man with His own hand. In fact, He wrote them out twice, and even spoke them aloud in the hearing of Israel. D. L. Moody was one of the most effective evangelists of the nineteenth century. With no official ordination and little formal education, Moody recognized the importance of making Christian doctrine simple and understandable by the common man. Thus, he set about writing inexpensive Christian books that would reach lost souls.
In The Ten Commandments, Moody devotes a separate chapter to each commandment, with a concluding summary. His fervent belief was that the commandments are still God’s measure of obedience today. But they are more than a measuring stick; they are a signpost pointing fallen mankind toward the only One who was able to keep God’s law.
Moody’s teachings are still relevant to this day. His words still resonate just as they did in his large evangelical meetings where thousands of converts fell to their knees. He reminds us that Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, and to become righteousness for all who believe.

About D. L. Moody

Dwight Lyman Moody (1837–1899) was born in Northfield, Massachusetts, the sixth in what would be a family of nine children. His father died when Moody was a child, leaving little provision for the family. Hence, Moody learned the value of hard work at an early age. He went to Boston at age seventeen, where he became a successful salesman in his uncle’s shoe store. His uncle made him promise to go to church, a promise... Show More


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